Health Benefits Of PEA


The shape of a pea is a spherical. It is a small seed .Each pod has several peas, their colour can be green or yellow. Botanically, pea pods are called fruit .This crop is grown in cool season in several parts of the world .Peas crop can prolong from winter to early summer depending on location.


 Domesticated peas origin  have not been  determined definitely, but it is said that pea is the oldest cultivated crop. The native region of the wild plant is Mediterranean region.


The seeds  may be grown when the temperature goes up to 10 C whereas the temperature from13 to 18C is best for plants to grow .They cannot sustain in the summer when the temperature is warmer.They cannot thrive in tropical climates .Many cultivars got maturity about 60 days after planting. Peas  cultivars are both low growing and vining cultivars. Thin tendrils grow from leaves in vining cultivars , they coil around any support which is available and climb upto 1-2m high .Thrust branch are  used for supporting climbing peas.Thrust  branches are fixed  upright into the soil.Usually branch are obtained from other woody plants or pruned from trees.

Nutrition facts:

The peas are packed with the following nutrients:



Dietary fiber



Vitamin A

Vitamin B

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

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Peas are packed with vitamins C and E, Zinc and other antioxidants which make powerful our immune system. Vitamin A,B and coumestrol are anti- inflammatory agents. These nutrients lower the risk of chronic conditions of diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.

Although peas are called power house of nutrients, at the same time peas are high in carbohydrates. Therefore we should be careful using peas. Half cup of peas are enough for all of us. To obtain all the health benefits of peas. Number of ways can be used to cook peas but steam method is suitable to preserve  the most nutrients in peas. It is better to steam peas in a little liquid for a short time. 


We can store fresh and unwashed peas in plastic bags in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days. If we use them soon ,we will taste their sweetness. When once peas are picked sugar quickly  converts into starch. Peas should be washed under running water. Peas should boiled in water for 2 minutes. 




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