
Are Cherry Good For You? Health Benefits of Cherries

  Are Cherry Good For You? Cherries are low in calories and packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and other healthy ingredients. You'll get vitamins C, A, and K. Each long fruit also provides potassium, magnesium, and calcium . They also provide antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and choline , an essential nutrient. Health Benefits of Cherries:  Cherries are small drupes that come in a variety of colors and flavors. There are two main categories - sour and sweet cherries, or Prunus cerasus L. and Prunus avium L.. rspectively Their colors can vary from yellow to deep blackish-red. Good: Typically, a serving of fresh or frozen cherries is about one cup (21 cherries). For dried cherries , one serving would be half a cup. A portion of strawberries is also about a cup. That's about eight medium-sized bays. Taste: They have a unique sweet and sour taste that is becoming more and more...

Health Benefits Of LEMON

  The Rutaceae family of flowering plants includes the spherical, colourfull fruit known as the lemon. Its native region is North-Eastern India, and its scientific name is Citrus limon.Due to its high citric acid content, this vivid yellow citrus fruit has a distinctly sour flavour . Due of its distinctive flavour , lemon is a common addition to meals, desserts, and beverages. Benefits Vitamin C can be known to occur in lemons. About 31 mg of vitamin C is found in one lemon, which is 51% of the recommended amount (RDI). Eating vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke, so according research (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source). However, other nutrients are al،so cons...

The Journey Of CHOCOLATE

  THE JOURNEY OF CHOCOLATE We have all eaten chocolate but not many of us know where it comes from   or how it is made. Chocolate has been around for almost 2000 years. In ancient times , chocolate was a symbol of wealth as only the rich could afford it. Chocolate came from central and South America to Spain in the 1500s through Spanish explorer who brought it back with them. It became very popular and quickly spread throughout Europe .You would be amazed to know that chocolate comes from cocoa trees in its raw form.    It’s very surprising that the flowers of a cocoa tree grow on the trunk of tree     not on its branches. These flowers grow throughout the year. When the fruit is ripe, large pods hang all over the tree. Each pod contains 20 to 40 beans. It takes the pod about six months to ripen. After that, the pods are collected and then split open to remove the beans. Making Process Now the process of delicious chocolate making starts. First of al...

Health Benefits Of MANGO

         King of Fruits          A mango is an edible famous fruit in the world a which is grown in tropical areas. It is believed that its origion is from Bangladesh, Myanmar (Barma) and northeast India. From tropical Asia, mangoes were introduced to East Africa, Brazil, Spain and other countries. Now mango is cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas. There are numbers of hundreds of mango cultivars in the world. The Tommy Atkins is dominating in the current world market. Growers and importers prefer it for its excellent production, resistance against disease, shelf life, charming colour, size and safe transportation.             According to its variety, mango has different size, colour , shape ، skin colour,sweetness, and flesh colour. Mango is declared national fruit of Pakistan and India. It is the national tree of Bangladesh .     Nutr...

Health Benefits OF STRAWBERRY

                  Strawberry     Strawberry is also known as Strawberries. It is hybrid fruit . It is  c ommercial production was started in the  early 17th century. Now a days strawberry fruit is grown   widely in the world. Artificial flavours and aromas of strawberry are being used in different products like soap candy, lip gloss perfumes at large scale. This fruit has a great liking for its characteristic aroma. This fruit colour is bright red .It has juicy texture and sweetness. It is used as fresh juice in large quantities. Different food items are made of it like jam ice-cream, chocolates, jam, milkshakes etc. Nutrient: Ø Protein Ø Carbohydrates Ø Dietary fiber Ø Sugar Ø Calcium Ø Iron Ø Magnesium Ø Potassium Ø   Vitamin A Ø Vitamin C Ø Vitamin K Cultivation: If we talk about Pakistan production quantity of Strawberries is limited in Pakistan, which  are ...

Health Benefits Of CUCUMBER

Cumcumber : Cucumber is widely grown in the world. It is a creeping wine plant.It climbs over a support. Its leaves are large that make a canopy over the fruit.Cumcumber shape is  cylindrical.Cucumber fruit contains 95% water. There are three major types of cucumber:    clicing ,  pickling and burpless(seedless),from these varieties different cultivars have been developed. Cumcumber was originated from South Asia but now it is cultivated on most continants ,as     several   different types   of cucumber   are marketed in global market. Cultivation : Cucumber can be grown in loose sandy loamy soil,it can be cultivated in any soil  which is well-drained .Full sunlight is necessary for its cultivation.It should not be cultivated where tree roots would absorbs them of water and nutrients.It is grown well in mild  to warm climates.It do not sustains in frost.It is cutivated between April and  June.In warmer areas  its pla...

Health Benefits Of PLUM

  Plum: I t is considered tha t pl um is one of the first fruits which may have been domesticated by humans. Plum native area is China. But it gained the status jof commercial fruit of Japan and America.Plum is naturally a temperate areas fruit.At presst time ,plum is grown in all over the world .There are 12 types are found i n the world.where there is   temperate climate.In size,plums can be small or lager. Different varieties have different colour like red,green,yellow,pink,orange,skin.  Plums production   wise ranking: 1.China        2. European Union  3.Romania  4.United States.   Nutrition Facts: One plum is consist of the following nutrients: v      Sugars 8 grams v      Fiber 1grams v      Carbs 8 grams v      Calories 30 v      Vitamin A 5% of the RDI v      Vitam...